Find Your 'self' again

There's no emptier feeling than trying to be all things to all people and losing your self in the process.We provide connection through group coaching, with science-backed methods for life changing results.All cohorts are given in real-time, and slots are limited.
Click below to secure your seat!

our featured cohort

a journey of re-becoming

Feeling tired, burned-out, lost and disconnected?
You shouldn't have to go it alone.
Get back to feeling like YOUWe retrain body, mind and vibe to bring you back to feeling confident, balanced, and motivated.BLOOM FROM BURNOUTFeatures:
Mind Reset - Body Reset - Nutrition - Fitness Reset - Building Lasting Habits - Manifestation Booster

our unique approach


This isn't an overpriced course or private Facebook group.Receive personal, real-time solutions
Make new friends
Enter a truly unique space for growth.
We use Marco Polo, a video messaging app to deliver custom content tailored to you and your cohort's needs.Ask questions, chat with other members, and develop accountability - all on your schedule.Along with that, you'll get prompts, PDFs, and 1-on-1 checkins during your cohort.Ready to reinvent yourself?Join our next cohort by securing your spot - click below to sign up!


  • 1. Sign Up For A Cohort

  • 2. Follow the weekly group prompts and engage with the weekly lesson

  • 3. Transform your mind, body and vibe in 8 amazing weeks

Each cohort is centered around a focus area.
Here are our three main areas:
Life Strategy
Brand & Business
Glow Up
Scroll and explore to learn about which area fits you best

Get Your time back

Life Strategy

Finding balance is key.
If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or just lost in the sauce, I'm here to help you take back control.
Time Management, Mental Management, Reframing, Habits

from idea to launch


Work through brand conception, drafting, and strategizing with the help of a proven six-figure entrepreneur and peer reviews.
Reclaim your time. Make Your Dreams Reality
Automation Strategy, Marketing, Social Strategy & More

Take a free mini-course to get started. Click the button below!

Programs + Pricing

Pricing and delivery programs apply to all focus areas. Group coaching begins on specific dates. Follow @solicoachinglabs on IG for most up to date information

  • Group Coaching

  • 8 week cohorts

  • Live prompts

  • Weekly coaching class

  • Weekly personal check-ins

  • PDF and personalized resources

  • Network, make new friends, and come alive again

  • Individual Coaching

  • Individual coaching on your time via Marco Polo

  • Weekly progress reports

  • Weekly dedicated sessions (30 minutes)

  • Frequent check-ins

  • Monthly strategy sessions (1 hour)

  • Custom plans, pdfs, and recommendations

  • Custom in-person energy healing sessions

Group Coaching8 weeks$497
Individual CoachingMonthly$821
Individual Coaching SubscriptionMonthly$529

Payment Plans Are Available!*

*Payments are due prior to starting a program. Payment plans incur a small admin fee and therefore pricing differs from what is listed above.

Learn more

Fill out the form below. Include the program you're interested in and any questions. I'll send you a more in-depth overview plus some freebies just for you!

Hi, I'm Kayla.
I have bloomed through eating disorder, chronic depression, body dysmorphia, PTSD and all 3 types of burnout.
I am on a mission to help women find themselves again by using science-backed techniques that physically change your brain chemistry, enhance your spirituality, and allow you to breathe a little easier.Join a cohort today, we can't wait to welcome you in!


  • B.S. In Exercise Science & Kinesiology

  • A.S. Intelligence Studies

  • M.A. Cognitive Psychology (pursuant)

  • 10 years as a Counterintelligence Agent (US Army)

  • Mom of 2

  • Corporate Speaker / Trainer

  • 200 Hour Yoga Teacher

  • Usui Reiki Master / Teacher

  • EFT Tapping Practitioner

  • Certified Life Coach

  • Certified Aromatherapist

Thank you

Let's make some magic happen!